D.03.5. Tool Validation

This report presents the toolkit validation process and policy guidelines for the Urban
The toolkit has been integrated by the Tool Support work-package who has developed
the interface and integrated the mathematical models developed by the Security Risk
Models technical work-package based on the selected public transport scenarios,
pickpockets and fraud.
WP3 has provided support for the development and integration of the models into the
tool in the different development phases (interface testing and adaptation, tool tuning
and interfaces refinement).
The toolkit has been introduced to the stakeholders in different phases using the “Good
Practice” approach, on how scientific models can be introduced and used by policy
makers for evidence-based policy making. This practice is based on four activity types:
1) Introduction and buy-in by key stakeholders; 2) Familiarization and Confidence
building; 3) Calibration; 4) What-if scenario & refinement.
Finally, a validation step on the toolkit has been done, with the participation of
stakeholders from the public transport domain (Barcelona regional police in charge of
security in public transport, other public transport operators, Barcelona Metro security
area and the security commission from the UITP association). They have participated in
two workshops for the validation of the SECONOMICS toolkit, and also in a panel during
the SECONOMICS Summit activity. All these activities have provided very useful feedback
on the toolkit and some interesting policy insights.
The most remarkable results from the validation is that the toolkit provides the
capability to estimate how many and the type of resources to face the threats,
calculates the appropriate costs of the measures for each scenario considered and
provides support about costs and benefits while considering the reaction of smart
However, the model has also some drawbacks, as it is a static model that does not
consider variations during the day, and even types of days (labour, weekend), or
variations on the types of measures to apply to a specific scenario. It also requires a
consultant support to introduce new models for other scenarios, or the characteristics
for other operators. The model is not network enabled, currently it is only exploitable at
station level in the toolkit, even the mathematic model is multi station, but it would
require a very long time to effectively calculate the required resources for the multistation
model. However this would not be an important drawback as this is process
would be done periodically (probably only once a year).
For the policy insights, one of the most important and transversal is the adaptability of
the offenders that act in many public transport lines in Europe. They mostly belong to
transnational professional criminal organizations, and are characterized to have a high
degree of adaptability. This must be considered at the European level for the
coordination against threats in public transport, but not only there, as these
organisations are not limited to the public transport space.

Tool Validation