Universita Degli Studi di Trento
The organisation
The University of Trento ranks consistently among the top Italian universities in recent CENSIS surveys. It is also one of the most international universities in Europe, with a large number of joint degrees in all disciplines with counterparts in Austria, France and Germany. It has been a co-recipient of an EU approved Erasmus Mundus Masters in Informatics (jointly with the Universities of Aachen and Edinburgh). Trento is currently an associate node of the European Institute of Technology. Its Department of Information Technology (DIT) organises an International Doctorate School5 with about 90 students of whom 50% come from outside the European Union. In the last years the department has raised a number of EU and national research projects and a number of industrial projects.
Relevant skills/experience/technologies
The work of UNITN team is mainly based on the Tropos and Secure Tropos methodologies. A security modelling language was already defined to model and analyse security issues since the early phases of the software development. Different supporting tools and reasoning techniques have been developed and they can be adapted and adopted in the project. Currently the UNITN the team is contributing or is a member in EU networks or projects EU-FET-IP-SECURECHANGE [9] - Security Engineering for lifelong Evolvable Systems and EU-IST-IP-MASTER [6] - Managing Assurance, Security and Trust for Services. It participates to Aniketos and NESSoS projects.
Role in the project
The UNITN team will participate to the proposal for the organization of the empirical research in the context of the case studies. It will build upon its expertise on modelling security, risk an trust in an IT setting and will extend them to full humans security concepts.
Interest in project results
UNITN is interested in understanding when the adoption or may raise security issues inside an organisation and eventually to explore possible alternatives (or mitigations) accordingly to the organisational asset. The approach can be used at design time to design trustworthy systems as well as at run-time for the reconfiguration of the system whenever security properties are not anymore satisfied.
Key personnel
Fabio Massacci received his M.Eng. 1993 and Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" in 1998. He worked in Cambridge University, the University of Siena and IRIT Toulouse and the University of Trento,. He is a member of AAAI, ACM, IEEE Computer society and a chartered engineer. His research interests are in automated reasoning at the crossroads between requirements engineering, computer security and formal methods. Currently he is actively working on industry level security engineering methodologies and is administrative coordinator of SECURECHANGE and the scientific coordinator in MASTER.
Antonella De Angeli In 1997, she was awarded a PhD in Experimental Psychology from the University of Trieste where she also completed a 2-year post-doctoral research in Applied Cognitive Psychology. During that period, she worked as invited researcher at the Oregon Graduate Institute (Portland, USA), Loria (Nancy, France) and IRST (Trento, Italy). From 2000 to 2004 she was a senior HCI researcher for NCR Ltd initially at the Knowledge Lab in London and then at the Advanced Technology and Research group in Dundee (UK). In 2004 she joined the School of Informatics of the University of Manchester as lecturer in HCI and in 2007 was promoted to Senior Lecturer in HCI at the Manchester Business School. She has published around 100 papers on her HCI research, serves in the editorial board of major HCI journals (including the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies) and regularly sits in the program committee of leading conferences (e.g., DIS, Interact, AVI and CHI2008). Her work on usability & security leads to several publications and a R&D award by NCR in 2002. She was the p.i. for the University of Manchester in the Servace project (FP7).