D.09.08. First Stakeholders panel report

This report presents the first results of the community building task within WP9 of the
SECONOMICS project. The information has been gathered from each of the case studies
of the project as defined in the D9.2 [1].
In sections 2, 3 and 4, the detailed information about stakeholders, events, status and
impact of the panel is presented for each case study. Specifically, the impact from each
of the panels can be summarised as follows:
· The Airport case study Stakeholder Panel consists of National and European
institutions in the Aviation domain, Civil Aviation Authorities and Air Navigation
Service Providers. Preliminary feedback and discussion were generally positive
and promising, with some concerns with respect to possibly high costs of
implementing the SECONOMICS tools and guidelines, their complete compliance
with existing regulations at European level and the effort needed in the modelling
phase, since great expertise is required.
· The CNI case study Stakeholder Panel consists of the internal NGRID Security
leadership, a UK Government Agency and the European group of Electricity
Transmission System Operators. The feedback following the CNI validation
activities has been positive and promising and the next steps are to focus the
validation activities on the national and supranational panel members.
· The urban public transport case study Stakeholder Panel consists of city security
leadership, public transport operators’ security entities and international urban
public transport operator’s security leadership. The feedback following the public
transport case study validation and discussion activities has been very fruitful and
promising and the next steps are to focus the validation activities on the national
and international panel members.
In general, the feedback collected from the panels have been very useful, serving
initially as a starting point for gathering the case studies requirements and scenarios and
ultimately (at the current stage of the project) for the model validation process.
The information gathered has also helped in identifying the areas perceived by the
stakeholders to be less useful, allowing for refinement of the work done and providing a
focus on these aspects to improve the final result.
Additionally, section 5 of this document presents a new category of stakeholders that is
being investigated, expanding the community into a new area which has been identified
as potentially interesting for the whole project.
Finally, it can be concluded that the work done in the panels has identified the current
strengths of the project and is serving to draw the general lines in which the solution
should be based to constitute a cost-effective tool able to help the policy makers in
creating common rules across the European Union.

First Stakeholders panel report