D.01.4. Model Validation

D1.4 deliverable describes the methodologies, the activities and the outcomes of the
model validation task, which informs and supports the technical WPs (4-5-6), in order to
develop the risk, economic and social models of security. The complexity and the
innovation of the proposed solutions in different domains make the process of validating
the results a challenging task. Just as the security, social and economic issues,
addressed by the project, are heterogeneous, so are the results expected for each
technical Work Package, ranging from theoretical models to policy guidelines and
software toolkit for decision support. Therefore, it was necessary to perform different
and customized validation activities. Such activities and results are described according
to the main phases of the overall implementation process: model scoping, model
building and model validation.
The validation pursues both the achievement, meaning the in itinere validation to steer
the models in the right direction; and the assurance of the project results, i.e. the final
validation to ensure that the final models are correct from the airport stakeholders’
perspective. The WP1 Airport Security validation framework has been defined according
to the theoretical framework, the validation objectives and the validation criteria
described in D7.1 Validation Plan.
The validation objectives and criteria of the Airport Case Study concern the acceptance
of WP5 and WP6 models by Airport domain experts (e.g. security managers in airport
organizations, airlines, air navigation service providers and regulators) and potential
end-users (e.g. airport organizations and policy makers).
Each validation activity involved Airport domain experts in order to assess the models
from practitioner’s viewpoint and to identify opportunities for the exploitation of
project results within the Aviation and Airport Security domain.
Main validation activities in the Airport Case Study fall into four major categories: Focus
Groups and Interviews with Stakeholders, Methodology Evaluation through modeling
activities, Models’ Walkthrough activities involving step-by-step explanation and
discussion of the SECONOMICS framework with Airport domain experts.
In particular, this report highlights that, and describes how, SECONOMICS solutions can
be used in the application domain and further improvements can be achieved in other to
align well with industry practices.
Annexes to the present deliverable will include the protocols, the scripts and the
questionnaires designed as tools supporting the model validation process, as well as the
tables of the results.

Model Validation